When you buy the item from our company website, an order confirmation will be sent to your email automatically. And then we will contact you via email regarding the payment details (accept Paypal or bank transfer). Please follow the instructions to settle the payment. Once the payment procedure is completed, and we confirmed payment, the products will be sent by local courier after 2 or 3 days (Residential area - requires four working days). The courier fee will be HK15.00. (The courier fee will be subject to final confirmation).

Sanrio Collection is only available for Hong Kong / Macau. Thank you !!

本公司網頁購買產品. 訂購後會以電郵確認及提供付款資料(接受Paypal 或 銀行轉賬), 確認收到款項後, 兩至三天內會以速遞寄出(如送住宅地區-需4個工作天)。現只需加HK15.00 速遞運(運費以本公司最後確認為準)。

Sanrio Collection 只限香港/澳門.

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